
leaf moth Learn more about leaf moth

  • New technology for prevention and control of apple leaf roll moth

    New technology for prevention and control of apple leaf roll moth

    The new technology for preventing and controlling the small apple leaf roll moth entered August, and the tower-shaped green peach is in the new shoot growth period. On the tower-shaped peach in the green belt of Pingyuan county, 30% of the new shoots of peach trees are damaged by apple leaf roll moth (figure 1). The small apple leaf moth.

  • What diseases and insect pests do Japanese cherry trees suffer from?

    What diseases and insect pests do Japanese cherry trees suffer from?

    Root nodule disease occurs on or near the root neck of the ground, resulting in short plants and poor growth. When the disease occurs, the root of the plant produces nodules of different shapes, showing brown, rough epidermis and often accompanied by cracks. The initial stage of anthrax.

  • Introduction to common diseases and insect pests of family potted flowers and their control measures

    Introduction to common diseases and insect pests of family potted flowers and their control measures

    Introduction to common diseases and insect pests of family potted flowers and their control measures

  • Common diseases and insect pests of family potted flowers and their control measures

    Common diseases and insect pests of family potted flowers and their control measures

    Common diseases and insect pests of family potted flowers and their control measures

  • Control methods of leaf roll moth

    Control methods of leaf roll moth

    Control methods of leaf roll moth

  • The breeding methods of moth, butterfly and flower

    The breeding methods of moth, butterfly and flower

    Sowing time moth butterfly flower is the most suitable for sowing in autumn, generally every year from August to October this time can be sown, when sowing, the survival rate of the plant will be higher, the growing plant will be more exuberant! Sowing soil moths and butterflies still have some requirements for the soil when sowing.

  • Experience in Integrated Control of Grape Pests

    Experience in Integrated Control of Grape Pests

    1. Control technique in dormancy period (November ~ March) The pest stopped its activity, and all kinds of pests entered the overwintering state with different insect states and ways, and their overwintering places were relatively hidden. 1.1 After clearing the orchard grape leaves, remove the leaves, dead branches and weeds in time

    2020-11-08 seed grape pest integrated management experience dormancy control
  • Occurrence and control of pear root cancer

    Occurrence and control of pear root cancer

    Occurrence and control of pear root cancer

  • What are the main diseases and insects of sweet-scented osmanthus?

    What are the main diseases and insects of sweet-scented osmanthus?

    Potted sweet-scented osmanthus often blooms rarely or does not bloom for a long time. How to make sweet-scented osmanthus blossom more, flowers fragrant, need to master the following main links: variety selection: different varieties of sweet-scented osmanthus, flowering time is not the same. If laurel, four seasons laurel and so on are early flowering varieties, there are several flowering characteristics in a year, some.

  • Control methods of diseases and insect pests of purple leaf dwarf cherry

    Control methods of diseases and insect pests of purple leaf dwarf cherry

    1. Disease control methods. It is necessary to strictly inspect the system, do a good inspection before the seedlings are transported, destroy the trees as soon as root cancer is found, and thoroughly disinfect the sites where diseased trees are planted with drugs such as quicklime or bleach, and do not plant seedlings within a week after disinfection.

  • When to plant moth and butterfly flower to reproduce moth

    When to plant moth and butterfly flower to reproduce moth

    Moth butterfly flowers like to take good care of, cool growth environment, usually blooming gorgeous flowers in spring, very exotic, is often used as cut flower material. If you want to have such a beautiful flower, you should not only master its planting method, but also

    2020-11-08 Moth butterfly flower when species reproduction method moth butterfly like
  • Poplar pest control

    Poplar pest control

    Poplar pests can be divided into the following categories in terms of damage methods and control measures: first, leaf-eating pests: mainly poplar fan boat moth, poplar small boat moth, poplar two-tail boat moth, poplar leaf borer, diamondback moth, beetle and so on. Poplar is damaged by the above pests from seedling stage to mature stage, causing leaf defect or eating up.

  • Sowing and propagation of moth, butterfly and flower

    Sowing and propagation of moth, butterfly and flower

    How to sow and so on when the soil is ready, begin to sow, spread the prepared seeds on the soil slowly and evenly, and then sprinkle a layer of soil on these seeds. Because the seeds of the moth butterfly flower are relatively large, the thickness of the soil in the last step is larger, preferably above 3mm.

  • Tea weaving leaf moth

    Tea weaving leaf moth

    One of the tea branch borer pests, also known as tea sickle moth, tea stem moth, belongs to the family Lepidoptera, CasmarapatranaMeyrick. It is distributed in all tea-producing provinces in China. Morphology: adult body wing tea brown, body length 15~20mm, wingspan 32~40mm. The front wing is nearly rectangular, the outer edge is grayish black, there are large khaki spots on the inside, and there is a small red protuberance in the center of the wing base. Egg horse tooth shape, about 1mm, light beige. The larva is slender and the abdomen is yellow and white.

  • Control techniques of Diseases and insect pests in Cornus officinalis

    Control techniques of Diseases and insect pests in Cornus officinalis

    Control techniques of Diseases and insect pests in Cornus officinalis

  • Planting and maintenance techniques of Japanese evening cherry how to grow Japanese late cherry

    Planting and maintenance techniques of Japanese evening cherry how to grow Japanese late cherry

    Planting and maintenance techniques of Japanese evening cherry how to grow Japanese late cherry

  • Occurrence and control of main diseases and insect pests of sweet-scented osmanthus

    Occurrence and control of main diseases and insect pests of sweet-scented osmanthus

    Occurrence and control of main diseases and insect pests of sweet-scented osmanthus

  • Spodoptera litura

    Spodoptera litura

    Spruce yellow roll moth [Archipsoporanus (Linnaeus)], alias pine bud leaf roll moth, pine thick leaf roll moth, belongs to the family Lepidoptera. It is distributed in Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Central and South China, and can harm Pinus elliottii, loblolly pine, Masson pine, Korean pine, spruce and juniper. The damage characteristics of larvae eat axillary buds, flower buds and male flowers, eat needles, affecting tree growth and seed yield. The morphological characteristics of the adult are 10-12mm in length and 22-30mm in wingspan. Male moth

  • Occurrence and control of potato tuber moth

    Occurrence and control of potato tuber moth

    Potato tuber moth is also called potato borer, tobacco leaf moth, and the masses are called skin worm, embroidery worm, potato maggot and so on. First, the harmful symptoms are mainly caused by larval decay, mostly from the bud eyes and broken skin of potato pieces, and the larvae hatched on the plant will spread with the wind and feed on the leaves through the leaves. After the injured leaves die, the larvae transfer to other leaves to do harm. Second, the occurrence regularity of potato tuber moth occurs for several generations a year, overwintering in various insect states on the remnant leaves of sweet potatoes and various hosts in the field. Cheng

  • The control of plant diseases and insect pests depends on these tricks.

    The control of plant diseases and insect pests depends on these tricks.

    Last time we introduced the common types of diseases and insect pests. How can we not be distressed when we see flowers and plants being tortured like that? how can we prevent them from happening? How to kill the disease in time? Although prevention and control can not be generalized, but from we can.
